Other Parking Questions

There is a vehicle in our Car Park which appears to be abandoned.

Unless it is causing a health and safety risk, we cannot move a vehicle without first carrying out investigations such as finding out details of the owner from the DVLA and trying to get them to move the vehicle.

Please contact us to let us know the location of the vehicle, its make, model and registration number and, if you can, some photographs and we will commence investigations.

There is no parking enforcement scheme. Why not?

The decision on whether to have a parking enforcement scheme rests with our Client. This will be either the Freeholder or the Resident Management Company (“RMC”) directors.

There may be many reasons why the Freeholder or RMC directors do not want to have such a scheme. Sometimes a ticketing scheme can cause friction between neighbours and they wish to avoid this happening. An enforcement scheme requires there to be clear signage and they may not wish to spoil the appearance of the buildings or site by having such signage. 

Why can you not simply tow a vehicle away?

It is illegal to tow away vehicles parked on private land. The only enforcement action we can take is ticketing.