

Before any contractor is authorised to work at one our managed buildings or developments we take great care in ensuring they:


Are competent for the work at hand and able to provide a quality service for the client and residents

Are properly insured to protect the client and residents

Provide value for money

Provide site specific Risk Assessments and Method Statements for the work to be carried out and evidence that they carry out their work safely, to protect their operatives and residents

Are issued a Permit to Work


All contractors must join our panel of Approved Contractors prior to carrying out any work at one of our managed buildings or developments. This applies equally to someone carrying out handyman repairs, a regular service provider such as cleaners and gardeners and major works contractors tendering for redecoration projects or lift replacement.


Unlike some other managing agents we do not charge contractors a fee for joining or being retained on our panel. Contractors are selected on their quality of work and value for money and not their willingness to pay to be on the panel.   


Often residents ask us to consider their own preferred contractors. This is common when we take over the management of a building or development from another managing agent. We are happy to do so, providing they successfully apply for membership to our panel of Approved Contractors.

To apply to join our Approved Panel of Contractors, click here.

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